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Day 6

We missed the overnight train that was going to take us to Xi'an because a few of us who got food poisoning including me. The high speed train was comfortable and it gave us a chance to see the countryside. What we did see was mostly farm land and a what appeared to be a mix of fog and smog. It seemed to I suspect it was mostly smog because it was like that for most of the five-hour train ride.  We also say ghost city. A ghost is like any other city with large buildings and sky scrapers but in completely rural areas. But because they are in rural areas all these building are completely empty. This is something that is unique to China. 


Day 7

On the morning of Day 7 we biked the ancient Xi'an city wall. After being sick and sitting on long train rides and visiting museums, it great to just bike. And while biking on a city wall I had a similar feeling that I had on the Great Wall. Just having something so old and big in good condition after so many thousands of years. I guess I really like walls. 

Next we went to the Terracotta warriors museum. Probably one of my favorite visits of the trip. One of the reasons why is that they are still excavating more warriors, tools, and pottery items that were buried there. And the emperors tomb hasn't even been touched and who know what else could be in there. Pretty amazing!

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